Poetic Spiriuality

Poetic Spiriuality
"Let there be light."

Monday, February 6, 2012

One Decision at a Time

Learn to live in the now
Don't worry about how.
Don't wait for this moment to pass
Just in case it is your last.

None of us can tell the next minute
If we'll lose life's race or win it.
Illness and stress teach us with much pain
What ancient scripture tried to explain.

Reality is the moment at play
Shape your future day by day.
Each hardship is a lesson learned
Each joy is a blessing earned.

Live your life like each moment is new
According to the prophets this much is true.
Learn from your mistakes, they're not a crime
Moment to moment, one decision at a time.

We may not be able to pick which road
While feeling like we're carrying a big load.
But, we were given free will so our souls could soar
At each crossroad it's our God given gift to pick the best door.

© Sheryl A. Skutelsky, 2012. All rights reserved.

1 comment:

  1. Hi. Just wanted u to know I periodically go to your blog to see what u r writing. Just read the one about going out & living like today is the last day. My Step Mom always told me Bad things come to us we have to make the good things. Reminded me so much of her. I never know how to post on that site so am posting on your wall. I enjoy reading your posts. Thx for sharing. Now if only I would follow that excellent advice. O&X
