Poetic Spiriuality

Poetic Spiriuality
"Let there be light."

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Fix MS Now

Visit and like the Facebook page, Fix MS Now
for more info and to help raise Multiple Sclerosis awareness.

.Sheryl's MS video

National MS Society Blog: Developments in Treating Cognition

National MS Society Blog: Developments in Treating Cognition: New studies are helping us understand why many people living with MS have cognitive challenges, how we measure cognition and what we can do ...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

National MS Society Blog: Will we all develop progressive MS?

National MS Society Blog: Will we all develop progressive MS?: Julie Stachowiak, PhD Writer, ms.about.com   This is a question that lurks in the minds of many people diagnosed with relapsing-remittin...

Finally some good news about getting old
Not only are we wiser, more intuitive and bold,
But MS won't make us hostage to its nasty hold.